Thursday, January 14, 2016

Persuasion Messages

Message 1- Fear-Inducing

Message 2 - Simple Message with Distractions

Message 3 - Two-sided

The first message gave me chills when I watched it. It definitely follows the steps of a fear-inducing message. The first step is showing the risk of a negative event happening. In the video the car slams head on into a tree, which could happen to anyone, with or without people in the car. You could also become seriously injured or even die because of this. Step two is demonstrated when the driver's spirit/soul ascends to heaven. He has died because he didn't wear a seat belt. Step three is demonstrated when the spirit/soul of the passenger in the front seat doesn't ascend to heaven. It almost did, but because he was wearing a seat belt, he lived. It ends by saying, "Heaven can wait" and "Buckle Up." This message correctly uses the fear-inducing technique by applying all four steps in the correct order. This message is also very vivid. Having the souls/spirits come out of the two men in the front of the car is very powerful and it makes you watch more intensely. Like I said before, I got chills when I watched this.

The second message is a PSA from the Connecticut Department of Transportation. If you saw this and didn't know it was for seat belts before hand, you would think it's a weird video of men's pants falling down. You only find out it's about seat belts in the last four seconds. It's distracting because you don't really know what's going on for the majority of the video.

Message three is a commercial showing a teenage boy and his younger sister going into town to get something for their mother. Their mother says to buckle up, which his sister does, but he doesn't. His sister reminds him of what their mother said but he replies that they aren't going far and that he has an airbag. While it is true that you are less likely to get into an accident when going a small distance and that airbags are meant to protect you, there is still a chance you could get into an accident no matter how far you go and you cannot rely on airbags alone. Seat belts are needed to be worn at all times while in the car even if you're just going down the street, you never know what could happen. Also, airbags are meant to work in conjunction with seat belts. The seat belt is the first line of defense in a crash while the airbag is a supplemental restraint system. First the seat belt, then the airbag. You should wear a seat belt not only for yourself but also for everyone around you.

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