Thursday, January 14, 2016

Messages for Seat Belt Use

Classical Conditioning Message 1 – Famous cartoon character buckles up, so should you!

If you can't see from the above link, click the following YouTube link and skip to 7:37

Classical Conditioning Message 2 – Attractive girl wearing seat belt


Classical Conditioning Message 3 – Save Yourself


Classical Conditioning is the idea that if a new stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that already produces a response in us, eventually the new stimulus will produce a similar response. Message 1 uses classical conditioning by pairing seat belt use with a likable, well-known cartoon character, Fred Flintstone. He "invents" the seat belt in the commercial and says, "Fred buckles up, and so should you!" Since people like this character and he says this line in a positive way, people will want to be like him and wear a seat belt.

Message 2 is also an example of classical conditioning. The woman wearing the seat belt is an attractive person and like the ad says, she's "In Fashion." This puts the image in people's heads that they will look like that when they wear a seat belt, so they'll be more inclined to do it.

Message 3 is an example of classical conditioning being intense. All of the words stand out because of their colors and background color. Also, as you can see, they "Y" in "YOURSELF" is the shape of a three point seat belt, which also makes the advertisement intense. I believe the color yellow was chosen for the last few words because on the road in real life, the solid yellow lines mean to always stay on your side of the road. So they made these words yellow because you should, "ALWAYS Wear Your Seat Belt."

Subliminal Message – Not wearing a seat belt can end your life early

A subliminal message is supposed to be indirect. It is transmitted briefly, unidentified consciously, but identified unconsciously. We can assume things about this picture because we know that it's a message about wearing your seat belt. We can assume that if the seat belt was not worn, the hidden year would be when the person died. But, since they are wearing a seat belt, the year of their death is covered up, because seat belts save lives. This makes the viewer think about the consequences of not wearing a seat belt, which could be death.

Credible Communicator Message – Clint Bowyer talks about the SAFE program

Credible Communicator Message 2 – Driver's Ed teacher

In the first credible communicator message, Clint Bowyer is definitely a credible source. He is a popular Nascar driver and knows the need for safety in a car. In this PSA, he talks about the SAFE program which reminds teens to put on their seat belts when driving. Because his life is driving a car around a track at 200 MPH, he knows the importance of being safe, which includes wearing a seat belt. Since he is going a lot faster than anyone when driving and he wears a seat belt, teens and other people will see him as a credible source. 

In the second credible communicator message is a picture of a driver's ed teacher teaching a class of teens. Driver's ed teachers are very knowledgable about everything that has to do with driving, which includes safety. When teaching safety they talk about seat belts and the importance of wearing them. They are teaching our teens about everything driving so they are definitely a credible source.

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